* Training capacity:
    Every year the HRE Department receives 70 to 90 undergraduate students and 5 to 10 graduate students. According to statistics, recent graduates can find a job quickly and easily suitable for their major. Compared with the current demand for recruiting engineers in the field of thermal engineering from industry and society, the number of student graduated from the Department did not meet the demand of the society and even many last - year students have been employed by business before graduation.

   For detailed information on the training activities of the Department of Heat and Refrigeration Engineering, please refer to the website: www.nhietlanh.net.

Undergraduate Education:

- Management of the Thermal Engineering program.

- Teaching 23 specialized subjects each year.

- Teaching the course “Thermodynamics and Heat transfer” for full time students of faculties of Mechanical Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Applied Sciences.

- Teaching the course “Heat transfer and Heat exchangers” for full time students of the faculty of Materials Technology.

- Teaching the course “Heat transfer” for the PFIEV (Programme de formation d’ingénieurs d’excellence au Vietnam) program.

- Teaching in English the courses of “Thermal Physics”, “Thermodynamics” and “Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer” for International Training Programs (Advanced, High Quality, etc.) managed by OISP - Office for International Study Programs.

- Teaching the course “Introduction to Engineering” for freshmen of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the course “Soft Skills” for Pre-University OISP students.

- Teaching the course “Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer” for the Work-Study program and the course “Thermodynamics” for the Industrial Maintenance Training Center.

- Supervision of graduation thesis for the Thermal Engineering program.

* Job opportunities:

Graduates of Thermal Engineering can work in the following areas:

- Jobs related to the field of refrigeration & air conditioning such as:

  + Design of industrial refrigeration systems, air conditioning and other related thermal equipment;

  + Supervision and implementation of industrial refrigeration, individual & central air conditioning systems;

  + Trading in thermal equipment and related accessories;

  + Operation and maintenance of industrial refrigeration and air conditioning systems in industrial factories, office buildings, commercial centers, seafood companies, cold storage warehouses;

- Jobs related to the field of thermal power plants, industrial heating systems such as:

  + Design of thermal equipment (boiler, calorifer, ...) for the processes in factories related to applications of paper mills, food processing, textiles, sugar cane, plastic - plasticizers, pharmaceutical production, ...;

  + Manufacturing, producing and trading the above-mentioned equipment;

  + Supervision and implementation of equipment in thermal power plants;

  + Operation and maintenance of heat supply systems in industry.

- Jobs in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency such as:

  + Consulting design and construction of systems using renewable energy;

  + Consulting solutions for energy efficiency and saving in fields related to industrial and civil applications;

  + Trading in energy saving equipment and systems using renewable energy.

* Annual scholarship opportunities for students of Thermal Engineering Program:

    Due to the close cooperation with many domestic and foreign enterprises, the HRE Department is one of the leading units in the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology which has great funding resources for students. Continuously from 2014 to now, the HRE Department receives an annual average amount of scholarship from 100 to 150 million VND. This funding resource is usually sponsored by large companies in the field of thermal engineering, typically include:

• Daikin Vietnam;

• Mitsubishi Electric;

• Bitzer;

• Hisense – Hitachi;

• Coteccons;

• Etc ...

With the average value of each scholarship of about 5 million VND per student, the annual scholarship fund has been awarded to 20-30 students of Thermal Engineering program each year. This scholarship has helped many students of good academic achievement or financial difficulties to have extra funding and better motivation to continue their studies.

Department of Heat & Refrigeration Engineering

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology - VNU

Address: Building B5, 268 Ly Thuong Kiet street, District 10, Hochiminh City, Vietnam

Phone:+84 .028.38 647 256 ext.5897

Email: cnnhietlanh@hcmut.edu.vn

Facebook: Nhiệt lạnh ĐHBK HCM

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